Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas Tree Hunt 2009

Early December we drove out about 30 minutes East to a Christmas Tree Farm to cut down our tree. There wasn't very much snow, but a little.

The owners had a pretty house with a little pond. They had homemade wreaths for sale too.

They provided the saw and sled to slide it back on.

And the hunt for the perfect tree begins!

This is the one!

And it's down!

We got it on the sled and slid it back to the house.

They wrapped it up for us and we tied it up on the Jeep and took it home.

(I had to get in one of the pictures too prove I was there. I did help some, even though it doesn't look like it in the pictures. Someone had to take the pictures!)
Some holiday decor.

And here it is in all it's glory! We haven't found the right star for the top of the tree so, there is none this year. We'll find one some day or something that will work.

We have so many loved ones who went through the hassle of the postal systems at Christmas time to get so many gifts to us for Christmas! We got each other a few as well and it really looks full under the tree!
We wish we could have been home for the holidays to share it with everyone! Tyra had to work Christmas Eve, so we had to stay in town. It was a quiet holiday but we thought it was nice. We hope all of your holidays were wonderful too.

1 comment:

  1. so special to see your holiday decor & the tree hunt trip and only wish we could have had hugs from you both for the holidays. looks as if you were warm @home even if a bit lonely. Your tree was so beautiful & can't get any fresher than that. Maybe next year we'll hug one another over the holidays-not to complain, we're luckier than most....but sadly it is 21st of Jan & I still have my old artif. tree up-may get it down by Valentines. Mom loves ya (really enjoy your blog!!!)
