Here we are!!! The seasons are changing and it's starting to warm up, here at least. From the sounds of it, most of you have been more than warm for some time now. We're not jealous. We love having 4 seasons, instead of maybe 2. It's almost spring time so there's buds on the trees and the geese are flying back. The animals are coming out and there's new life all around. Pretty soon there will be flowers of all colors everywhere we go, it's beautiful! Back in February we went hiking, or snowshoeing rather, and we've had pictures to post, just a little behind. The day before this snowshoeing trip it snowed most of the day, so it was the perfect time to go out. Fresh, soft beautiful snow. Our All-Time-Favorite thing about Winter is just after a fresh snow, the snow sticks to all the branches of the trees and you can see every branch outlined in white. It's beautiful. Just driving down the street, everywhere you go, a pretty white winter wonderland. The best time was driving home during the snowfall. The white outline was even MORE impressive. Unfortunately, that night while we slept we got a good amount of wind, so it wasn't as impressive, but still pretty enough to show you what we're talking about, hopefully.
What we see on the side of the road as we drive. Probably a little hard to see the pathway (white on white) but if you look closely I think you can see it. At the top of the picture above the mostly snowed over creek is the bridge we walked over. The North end of Mallett's Bay all frozen and snowed over. (Mallett's Bay connects to Lake Champlain) Not sure what I'm pointing to, pretty sure I didn't know Greg was taking the picture. We are walking along the edge of the bay, so on the ice at that point. I'm not brave enough to go out too far and had to, as usual, stop Greg from doing it a couple times. Funny, right? New Mexico Aggie shirt, standing on the frozen bay. Notice that he's wearing a may look crazy cold, but once you get out and walking around you quickly get pretty hot and have to take your jacket off to welcome the colder temperature. Signs of a local woodpecker. So long Winter Wonderland, we're ready for a pretty Spring! Hope these helped cool some of you down.